We have great silent auction items so far! An autographed basketball by a Sacramento King valued at $150 and a Total Wine & More wine tasting class for up to 20 people valued at $600!

We have great silent auction items so far! An autographed basketball by a Sacramento King valued at $150 and a Total Wine & More wine tasting class for up to 20 people valued at $600!
WE NOW ACCEPT DONATIONS VIA VENMO! www.venmo.com/SIof-RCGR or @SIof-RCGR code 1218
Please support one or more of our fundraisers below!
Year-Round empty ink cartridge collection fundraiser Ink Recycling flier Ink & toner cartridges may be dropped off at Tara Dietel’s State Farm Insurance office, 11230 Gold Express, Suite 307, Gold River, 95670, during normal business hours or on the front porch of 10632 Campana Way, Rancho Cordova 95670 anytime.
If you shop at Amazon.com, please remember to shop via smile.amazon.com/ch/27-0598800, which will support our club. Amazon will donate to our club a portion of purchases! It costs nothing extra to you, and works whether you’re an Amazon Prime member or not.